20 Opinion Writing Prompts for New Writers

Do you teach opinion writing as part of your writing curriculum? If you do, check out these opinion writing prompts. I created this set of 20 opinion writing prompts to use with Kindergarten at the end of the school year, but they could also be used with first or second grade. They can be bound together to create a writing notebook, or they can used individually as you choose. Grab these opinion writing prompts here!

Crystal McGinnis

Teen Number Recognition and Counting Printables

Teen numbers can always be a little tricky for kindergarten students, so I love to give them a lot of practice. One way we practice identifying teen numbers, and counting sets of objects equal to teen numbers, is by using this set of teen number printables. Actually, it includes numbers 11-20, but teen numbers are the main focus. These printables are simple! Students cut out the sets of pictures at the bottom, count the pictures, and glue the pictures that match the teen number at the top. If the picture set does not match, they lay it aside and move on. This set of printables can be used as you introduce each teen number, or for guided math groups. You could use it as a math center, or include it in your morning work routine. You choose!

Crystal McGinnis

3-D Shape Books for kindergarten or First Grade

Do you teach 3-D shapes in your kindergarten or first grade classroom? If you do, your kiddos may like these 3-D shape books! I created this set of books to use as each shape is introduced during our shape unit. They help the students identify the shape, draw the shape, color the shape, find faces and bases, and more! This set has 5 books, one for each 3-D shape that we teach in kindergarten! I let the students bring in an example of the shape from home (real objects) on the day we work on that specific shape!  They love to "share their shapes" and it works perfectly alongside these books. If you would like to use these books in your classroom, they are available in my TPT shop by clicking here. 

Crystal McGinnis