Alphabet Introduction Activities

Are you a kindergarten teacher looking for activities to use to introduce your students to each letter of the alphabet? I created a bundle of alphabet activities to use in a "letter of the week" format! I will simply change the materials each week as I introduce a new letter. The activities are all similar for each letter, which is perfect for developing a routine for young students who need consistency.

Here are some of the activities included for each letter! You can grab the Letter A set here!

Letter Sorting Pocket Chart

Picture Sorting Pocket Chart (By Beginning Sound)

Letter Display for the Pocket Chart

Letter Printable Book

Alphabet Poem

Alphabet Play-Doh Building Mat

Alphabet Big Predictable Book

Alphabet Anchor Chart

Additional Activities!

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Crystal McGinnis

Number Introduction Activities for Kindergarten

Are you a kindergarten teacher looking for number introduction activities? I created this set of number introduction activities to use at the beginning of kindergarten. This bundle of number introduction printables and pocket charts include each number, 1-10. You get pocket charts, books, printables, anchor charts, and more. Check out some of the activities included in this number introduction bundle!

Students sort numbers into "number" and "not number" sets.

Students count the pictures on each card, and then place the cards on the correct side of the pocket chart.

Use these cards to create a display of each number in a pocket chart. Use this display as you introduce the numbers.

Number Books-Students create number books for each number.

Students highlight, build with play-doh, read number poems, practice formation, and so much more!

Grab this pin to come back!

Crystal McGinnis